TOPCON Automatic Level AT-B4A

TOPCON Automatic Level AT-B4A

(1 customer review)



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Topcon Automatic level AT-B4A

Waterpass / Automatic Level /Auto Level TOPCON ATB4A / ATB-4A / AT-B4A READY STOCK Termasuk : – 1 (satu) unit ATB4A – 1 (satu) unit Aluminium Tripod – 1 (satu) unit Rambu Ukur 3 Meter – 1 (satu) unit Hard Case – Sertifikat Kalibrasi Garansi resmi 1 (satu) tahun Topcon AT-B4 Auto Level – 24x Magnification Equipped with a finely tuned magnetic damping system, Topcon's AT-B series automatic levels quickly level and stabilize the line of sight. Even when working near heavy equipment or busy highways this range of precision instruments ensure reliable leveling even where fine vibrations are a problem. The automatic levels feature multi-directional IPX6 protection against powerful water jets and are fully resistant to driving rain and splashing water 24x Magnifications Rapid, Accurate, and Stable Automatic Compensation Ultra-Short 20cm (7.9 in.) Focusing All-Weather Dependability Clampless, Endless Fine Horizontal Adjustments

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TOPCON Automatic Level AT-B4A ini bisa menjadi milik Anda hanya dengan Rp4,980,000.00!